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Working from a Spiritual Basis


“Put Your Spirituality to Work” is a series of 3 books with a collection of 30 articles in each book, aimed at starting conversations about spirituality at work – conversations that touch our souls, refresh our spirits, and help us to bring out our best at work. We know from hundreds of such conversations we’ve had around the world that people are sincerely searching for how to bring together the meaningfulness of spirituality with their world of work. Yet many people don’t know where to start.


To this end, each article in the “Put Your Spirituality to Work” book series is designed to stimulate such conversations in informal or formal settings and can be used by a wide international audience. Each article is 700 words in length, can be read in about 5 minutes, and ends with engaging questions for discussion. Each book is based on a major theme:


Put your spirituality to work - Book 1: The basics






Book 1: The Basics.

How to make spirituality the most practical foundation for your work.








Put your spirituality to work - Book 2: Work as a spiritual practice






Book 2: Work as a Spiritual Practice.

How to bring alive in your work the words of spiritual masters, teachers and leaders from various cultures worldwide.







Put your spirituality to work - Book 3: Spiritual-based leaders






Book 3: Spiritual-Based Leaders.

How to lead from a spiritual basis, inspired by findings from our international research programme with business executives.







All of these articles were first published as a column called "Spirituality at Work" on the Times of India "spirituality" website located at: (http://spirituality.indiatimes.com).


You can download our featured articles each month, or individual articles from each book, or the full book, which contains instructions and guidance for how to start meaningful conversations at work. You can also use the search engine on our website to find articles based on your search criteria.


In addition to these books, our Publications section has a wealth of resources for working and leading from a spiritual basis. Each can be downloaded at no cost. You can search in three categories:


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This website was last updated  29 December 2019