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Articles, Papers and Book Chapters


Below we have published articles, papers and book chapters for working and leading from a spiritual basis. Each can be downloaded at no cost. If you do not find what you need, you can also use our search engine with your own criteria.


Published Articles


Book Chapters


Pruzan, Peter and Kirsten Pruzan Mikkelsen, along with Debra and William Miller, co-authors of Leading with Wisdom.

Read about the book and download the bi-monthly excerpt

Published in South Asia by Response Books, a division of Sage Publishing (www.sagepub.in) and other parts of the world by Greenleaf Publishing (www.greenleaf-publishing.com)

Pruzan, Peter and William C. Miller, "Spirituality as the Basis of Responsible Leaders and Responsible Companies" in Responsible Leadership, ed. Thomas Maak and Nicola M. Pless, Routledge Publishers, London, 2005 (www.routledge.com)

Experts in the field of business and leadership ethics have been brought together to write this much-needed text which answers the challenge of defining responsible leadership in an era of globalization.


'Seldom has a single book united so many different voices so well. A global list of premier thinkers and successful practitioners tackle the definition of 'responsible leadership'. The result is provocative and multi-layered.'

Thomas Donaldson, Mark O. Winkelman Professor,

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Spirituality and Ethics in Management

Pruzan, Peter, “Spirituality as the Context for Leadership” in Spirituality and Ethics in Management, ed. B. Z. Laszlo, Kuwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2004

Miller, William C., “Spiritually-Based Leadership” in Spirituality and Ethics in Management, ed. B. Z. Laszlo, Kuwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2004

Spiritual-Based Leadership: Initial Observations

Pruzan, Peter and William C. Miller, “Spiritual-based Leadership: Initial Observations from a Research Programme” in Rendtorff, J.D. (ed.) Værdier, etik og ansvar i virksomheder – Brudflader og konvergens (English translation: Values, Ethics and Responsibility in the Corporate World – Movements and Convergence), Center for Værdier i Virksomheder, Roskilde, Denmark, 2003, 21- 46

Leadership and Power


Miller, William C., "The Corporate High Road: The Power of Spirit" in Leadership and Power: Ethical Explorations, ed. by S. K. Chakraborty, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 2002

Flash of Brilliance

Miller, William C., "Put Your Creativity and Spirituality to Work" in Flash of Brilliance by William C. Miller, Perseus Books, USA, 1999

New Traditions in Business

Miller, William C., "How Do We Put Our Spiritual Values to Work?" in New Traditions in Leadership, ed. by John Renesch, New Leaders Press, USA, 1990


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This website was last updated  29 December 2018