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Research Programme
The Global Dharma Center,
in partnership with Dr. Peter Pruzan, professor emeritus at the
Copenhagen Business School and his wife, Kirsten Pruzan
a journalist and former editor who worked for almost 30 years at
Det Berlingske Hus, a major publishing house in
Denmark, launched this research
programme in 2002.
The overall purpose of this research programme is to contribute
to the emerging field of, and the consciousness about
spiritual-based leadership in work organisations worldwide, by
making high quality and reliable data, information, knowledge,
and development methodologies about spiritual-based leadership
easily accessible.
While consciousness about spiritual-based leadership is
relatively new in the work world and as a field of study, we
feel it has gained a strength and momentum such that it deserves
a focus of research at this time.
knowledge-base of executive interviews containing 33 full-length interviews with
spiritual-based leaders from 6 continents and 16 countries,
as well as data collected and sorted by specific search
criteria, is now available for researchers, teachers,
students, consultants and leaders.
Download our
featured SBL interview:
The following are the intentions and rationale
that underlie our engagement in this research:
Many people are sceptical about the mix of business and
spirituality. Some people are positive about business and
sceptical about spirituality: “You can’t really be
competitive in business if you’re spiritual.” Some people
are positive about spirituality and sceptical about
business: “Business greed is too corrupting for spirituality
to make a difference.” Our intention is to address views
such as these by investigating if and how business can be
effective while operating from a consciously held spiritual
Traditional business goals typically focus on
financial/productivity gains. Texts from spiritual
traditions worldwide propose that there is a much more
profound role for human endeavour – that of selfless service
to society and the spiritual upliftment of everyone. Our
intention is to help investigate how business goals can be
defined and prioritised from a spiritual basis, and how
businesses can thrive and evolve from that basis.
The students and faculty at universities as well as
consultants and organisational leaders require examples of,
and knowledge about, spiritual-based leaders in work
organisations. Our intention is to provide an easily
accessible knowledge base and website, which will include
cases, stories, examples, and analytical data for class
work, teaching, and publications.
There may be significant, demonstrable differences among
spiritual-based leaders in their perspectives, qualities,
and attributes. The practices and processes of
spiritual-based leaders might also vary depending on the
type of organisation (family owned, publicly traded, etc.)
and the cultural traditions of the society the organisation
operates in. Our intention is to develop a typology for
these diverse types of spiritual-based leaders and to
identify a framework within which people can consciously
develop themselves as spiritual-based leaders.
Distinctive characteristics of this research programme:
It is defined
from a consciously held spiritual basis.
in this programme will be an opportunity for everyone
involved to grow in their spiritual character, knowledge,
and practice in the world.
It will include
spiritual-based leaders that are leading in work
organisations in a variety of cultures and traditions around
the world.
The programme
directors, researchers, and spiritual-based leaders will
contribute their time, energy, and talent on a voluntary
basis. All findings, information, and publications (other
than published books) will be available at no cost.
Programme Directors:
This programme is the coordinated, volunteer effort of: Debra
Miller, William Miller,
Kirsten Pruzan Mikkelsen, and Dr. Peter Pruzan.
Debra R. Miller
is co-founder of
the Global Dharma Center (USA), which focuses on spirituality and
human values as the basis for leadership and work. In 1991 she founded
Masterful Mission, a business coaching and consulting
organisation where she worked with executives, business owners
and entrepreneurs to bring out their deepest values and most
natural talents. She is the author of the book “Beyond
Motivation” and two
methodologies: “Business by Design” and “Spiritual Life-Design”.
She has also managed corporate accounting, finance, and
information technology departments for two oil and gas firms,
and held Certified Systems Professional and Certified Public
Accounting certificates.
William C. Miller
is an
internationally-recognized expert on values-centered innovation.
As president of the Global Creativity Corporation since 1987, he
has explored with corporate clients, in more than a dozen
countries worldwide, how creativity, business, and spirituality
are all facets of the same jewel. Two of his four books have
been rated among the top thirty business books of the year in
the USA. He has been a guest faculty member at Stanford
University Graduate School of Business and other business
schools in the USA and India. Together with his wife Debra, he
lives in India and has co-founded two non-profit organisations.
Kirsten Pruzan
is a journalist and former editor who worked for almost 30 years at
Det Berlingske Hus, a major publishing house in
Denmark. She has had assignments in more than 50 countries in
Europe, North- and South America, Asia and Africa, reporting on
the human aspects of 3rd World development politics
as well as interviewing politicians, presidents, kings, business
executives, authors, religious and spiritual leaders, and many
others. She has been the editor-in-chief of an international
magazine, and an editor at the major Danish daily newspaper,
Berlingske Tidende.
Dr. Peter Pruzan
is professor emeritus at the Copenhagen Business School and is
internationally known for his work on values-based leadership
and corporate responsibility. He was the president of a
successful, international business, has authored 10 books and
more than 100 articles in international scientific journals, and
has initiated several institutes and associations focusing on
corporate values and responsibility. Together with his wife
Kirsten, he lives in Denmark and spends half of each year in
India, where he is a guest professor at leading Indian business
schools. His research goal is to integrate perspectives from
management, philosophy and spirituality to develop values-based
approaches to leadership.