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An inquiry into the nature, activities and results of leading from a spiritual basis



The Global Dharma Center (GDC) has created a knowledge-base from its “Spiritual Based Leadership (SBL) Research Programme” from which researchers, teachers, students, authors, consultants, and leaders may draw material for their own purposes at no cost.


This research knowledge-base contains 33 full-length interviews with spiritual-based leaders from 6 continents and 16 countries around the world. You can access data from the knowledge-base in two ways: (1) download the full knowledge-base in 4 volumes; or (2) use subject criteria to find excerpts and stories from all of the interviews. All of the download files are in Acrobat PDF format.


Copyright Protocols for the SBL Research Knowledge-Base


In keeping with the mission of GDC, our writings and research are volunteer service work, with the intention to make the results of our service projects freely and widely available to anyone in the world, with no-cost access and downloading from our website.


In that spirit, please note the following protocols for using any portion of the SBL knowledge-base:

  1. You may use up to a total of 5,000 words in any single published work (article, workbook, book, or other publication), workshop, presentation or speech without any further permission. If you wish to use more than 5,000 words in any single published work, workshop, presentation or speech, you must first secure written permission by contacting GDC at hello@globaldharma.org.

  2. Whether you use more or less than 5,000 words, the following acknowledgement must be stated:
    Quotations extracted from the
    public knowledge base of the “Spiritual Based Leadership Research Programme” are © 2006 by the Global Dharma Center (GDC). GDC retains the copyright to all excerpts from this knowledge base.

  1. If you wish to use more than 5,000 words in any single published work (article, workbook, book, or other publication), workshop, presentation or speech, you agree not to receive any personal income (such as royalties or fees) for that work, workshop, presentation or speech, except as noted in #4 below.

  2. If (a) you wish to quote more than 5,000 words in a published work, workshop, presentation or speech, and (b) you work for an established educational institution teaching students or faculty, or for an organisation teaching employees – then you may receive your salary for that time as payment permitted under these protocols.

  3. You are permitted to charge money in relation to the use of excerpts from the GDC/SBL knowledge base only to reimburse direct expenses such as materials, room rental and food provided for a workshop, travel expenses, etc.


If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact GDC and we will be happy to help you. Thank you for serving others in the spirit of this volunteer programme!


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This website was last updated  29 December 2018