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"Human values and ethics can become a source of political mobilization and contribute to social change. These fundamental values should guide and inspire us in our efforts to promote development and combat poverty.”

Kjell Magne Bondevik

Prime Minister of Norway



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Human Values and Ethics in the Workplace:

Improving leadership and performance in the water education,
supply and sanitation sectors


Encouraged by the success of the Human Values Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education (HVWSHE) initiative, UN-HABITAT started a new initiative: “Human Values and Ethics in the Workplace” (HVEW) in 2005. To date, the Global Dharma Center has supported this initiative by organizing stakeholder consultations with over 550 people working in professions related to water education, utilities, and the government in Africa and South Asia and has conducted pilot workshops with over 170 participants from thirteen countries in those regions.


In support of the goal to improve leadership and performance in every aspect of the water education, supply and sanitation sectors, this capacity-building has been designed to enable working adults to be leaders and practitioners of human values and ethics in their work, by developing and strengthening six core capacities:

  1. Increase awareness about the importance and role of human values and ethics at work

  2. Identify and draw from human value strengths in all work activities

  3. Define the need for ethics at work and generate creative ways to strengthen the environment for human values and ethics

  4. Practice and encourage others to have a purity and unity of thought, word, and action

  5. Recognize how to positively influence the work environment and establish guiding principles based on human values

  6. Make the commitment to be a champion of human values and ethics in the workplace

This programme can be used as resource material for incorporating human values and ethics into workshops, staff meetings, awareness programmes, leadership training, team-building, and organization development.


Human Values and Ethics in the Workplace
download files:


Facilitator Resources:

Resource Papers:

Other Resources:


Workshop participants from the Addis Ababa Water
and Sanitation Authority, Ethiopia

Workshop participants from the Andhra Pradesh
State Water and Sanitation Mission, India

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This website was last updated  29 December 2018